Itai Axelrad's bio pic

Itai Axelrad


Pine Mountain, CA

Pine Mountain, CA

This Friday was my first time climbing in Pine Mountain. It has large sandstone boulders with interesting features. I wish I would have gotten up there sooner than this year. I headed up to the mountain at 8 on Friday morning with five other climbers from San Luis Obispo. We were all excited to get outside at the fist sign of fall temps.

Adam pumping gas in the middle of nowhere
Adam pumping gas in the middle of nowhere

Although this trip was more like training for the trip to Bishop next weekend, it was fun non the less. The climbers on the trip were all of different calibers so we got on many different problems. I tried many highball moderates as well as some tricky slabs.

Alex Biale on Tomatoes Are The Answer
Alex Biale on Tomatoes Are The Answer
Cody as seen from the top of the problem above
Cody as seen from the top of the problem above
Alex Biale sending a V8
Alex Biale sending a V8

I also snagged three V8's that day, but what I really came to Pine Mountain for was Whiplash (V11), possibly the hardest problem there. I sent it after an hour long session. The 10,000 flies and so-so weather made the send more difficult than it should have been. We all returned home content with our day. I can't wait to go to Bishop!

Itai, sending Whiplash (V11). (Photo by Cody)
Itai, sending Whiplash (V11). (Photo by Cody)