Itai Axelrad's bio pic

Itai Axelrad


Horse Flats, CA

Horse Flats

My spring break was coming to an end, however, I managed to get one more day of climbing before heading back to SLO. Isaac, Charlie and I were destined to Horse Flats this Saturday, to meet up with some more of the LA crew for a day of bouldering. Horse Flats is tucked away in the mountains behind Pasadena in the Angeles National Forest. Its granite boulders sit at 6,000 feet, and are similar to, but not quite as good as Black Mountain. I had not been to Horse Flats for years, and was looking forward to climbing the classics of the area.

The crew made quick work of most of the notable climbs, The Peanut Problem (V7), Bonesprits (V2), and Orange Flambe (V8) being some of them. Isaac had mentioned another climb, called Blank Generation (V10), which he had sent on an earlier trip. He suggested that Charlie and I try it. We arrived at the problem, and Charlie snagged the send after a handful of goes. I rewarmed up and managed to flash the short problem. Isaac captured the send on video

- Itai