Itai Axelrad's bio pic

Itai Axelrad


Joshua Tree, CA

Joshua Tree

Cody, Marina, Jake and I left LA’s wet concrete for a short, but much needed, day trip to the sunny Joshua Tree. I had not been there in many years and was excited to get back on some of the classics at the Barker Dam area. We got our egos crushed by the impossible A Street Car Named Desire, sighted a rare bird(man), and climbed a really long traverse.

Joshua Trees, assorted shrubbery and granite formations.
Joshua Trees, assorted shrubbery and granite formations.
Jake with an impressive flash of The Chube
Jake with an impressive flash of The Chube
Itai, (not getting any farther than where he is at the moment this photo was taken) on Iron Resolution. Photo by Marina.
Itai, (not getting any farther than where he is at the moment this photo was taken) on Iron Resolution. Photo by Marina.
Cody gettin’ high on High Noon
Cody gettin’ high on High Noon

Hope everyone has/had a Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas and Holy Kwanzaa!

- Itai