Isaac, Eden and I returned to Malibu Creek for the first time in many years. It was a hot day, but we escaped the heat (and hoards of noobs) by traversing over to the Ghetto Wall. The Ghetto Wall features many Malibu classics that we have yet to do, Brenna (5.13d), being the one we had our minds set on for the day.

We warmed up quickly and hopped on the route. Brenna climbs out of a cave with casual opening moves, followed by a very difficult boulder problem. Isaac, who had worked the problem previously, showed us the beta that he and Charlie Andrews had worked out. However, Eden found different more suitable beta that got us both up to the crux move. We took turns working the route for most of the after noon, taking breaks to look at the boulders near by. Isaac fell on the crux move and looks very close on the climb. We all promised to return to Brenna and even bring some crashpads to boulder.

- Itai