Itai Axelrad's bio pic

Itai Axelrad


Santa Maria, CA

Owl Tor

Owl Tor is hidden in the hills east of Santa Maria. It has about a dozen routes on conglomerate rock and manufactured pockets, all of which are steep and burly. Jason had just bought a new rope and Cody and I were eager to help him break it in. We started off on a short but powerful route called Auto Magic (5.12a).

Jason flaking the new rope
Jason flaking the new rope
Testing out the rope with a whipper on Auto Magic. (YOLF).
Testing out the rope with a whipper on Auto Magic. (YOLF).

The “warm-up ” at the crag is a sandbagged 70-foot 5.11d called The Power of Eating. Every move is made at full extension to some of the biggest holds you will ever fall off of.

Cody trying to clip on The Power of Eating (5.11d)
Cody trying to clip on The Power of Eating (5.11d)
Jason on The Power of Eating (5.11d)
Jason on The Power of Eating (5.11d)

- Itai