Itai Axelrad's bio pic

Itai Axelrad


Bishop, CA

Springtime In The Buttermilks

The crew rallied from Los Angeles to Bishop for what might be the last trip before fall. Eden, Jovanna and I met up with Marina, Jake and Emily in town for a coffee Saturday morning before heading up the bumpy Buttermilk Road.

Jovanna taking on Hero Roof, (V0)
Jovanna taking on Hero Roof, (V0)

The thin cloud coverage and breeze made climbing bearable despite the hot weekend forecast. After a quick warm-up, we took turns jumping on some of the area classics.

Emily, nearing the end of the mega-classic Iron Man, (V4)
Emily, nearing the end of the mega-classic Iron Man, (V4)
Itai catching the lip on Iron Fly, (V9)
Itai catching the lip on Iron Fly, (V9)
Itai enjoying some sunny slab climbing on Pope's Problem, (V4)
Itai enjoying some sunny slab climbing on Pope's Problem, (V4)

We awoke Sunday morning sore and sunburnt, but more than ready for another day of bouldering. (After a healthy dose of coffee, that is.) Sunday turned out to be hot as hell, which must have discouraged most climbers because we nearly had the Buttermilks to ourselves. A rarity nowadays!

Marina, on a surprisingly fun Unnamed, (V7)
Marina, on a surprisingly fun Unnamed, (V7)
Jake, on the same climb.
Jake, on the same climb.
Danny sending the burly Cave Route, (V6)
Danny sending the burly Cave Route, (V6)
Eden piecing together The Buttermilker Stand, (V12)
Eden piecing together The Buttermilker Stand, (V12)

We managed to escape the noontime sun by playing around in what little shade we could find before struggling up some sun-soaked slabs to end the trip. A great weekend with a great crew! Eden and I even opened up a few new projects that are sure to keep us motivated through the summer (Bishopless) months.

Farewell, Bishop. I'll see you next fall.

- Itai