Eden Axelrad's bio pic

Eden Axelrad


Las Vegas, CA


Itai and I headed out to Red Rocks over the holiday break for a nice weekend in the desert. On our first day out we pulled into the Kraft/Gateway parking lot and immediately ran into Vitaly, our climbing friend. The three of us spent the day jumping on various hard problems along the canyon. However, no one whipped out a camera so the lack of progress went undocumented.

Unfortunately, the next day was a bit too windy to climb, so Itai and I decided to explore instead. We spent the better half of the morning running around looking for a Paul Robinson climb called "Power Slave". After some frustrating searching we finally found it, but had to leave it for another trip due to conditions. In the afternoon we headed back to town for a relaxing evening.

Itai looking down into the canyon
Itai looking down into the canyon

On our third and final day at Red Rocks we ventured out to Black Velvet Canyon with Vitaly. Again, we got to sample some of the area's classic hard lines. Itai managed sends of The Fountainhead and Natasha's Highball before we headed back home, but the trip was otherwise fruitless.

Vitaly checks out the frozen river.
Vitaly checks out the frozen river.
Natasha's Highball
Natasha's Highball
Eden on the The Fountainhead (V9)
Eden on the The Fountainhead (V9)
Eden on the The Fountainhead (V9)
Eden on the The Fountainhead (V9)