Itai, Ike and I joined Cody in a smoky Squamish on Sunday, August 6th. The haze, induced by recent forest fires, deprived the surrounding scenery from its usual clarity, depth and colors. Fortunately for us, the magical forest remained unchanged. We spent the first few days running around the grand wall boulders jumping on classics and whatever else caught our eye.

By mid-week we had spent a few sessions at Gibb's cave, where Itai sent Black Hole (V11), and Cody sent Gibb's Cave (V8) - congrats!

On the crowded days we found refuge in the North Wall Boulders, where we got to explore new areas. Itai and I also began working out the moves on Perfect Cave (V11) which we both eventually sent.

Jovanna joined us on Thursday and got to see the forest for the first time! :)
It rained Sunday night, which forced a rest day. We decided to hike the Chief since the smoke was clearing out. The views did not disappoint!

Our flight out of Vancouver was scheduled for 8:00pm, which was just enough time for a morning session. I got a goodbye send of The Perfect Cave (V11), and watched Itai float up Resurrection (V9) on his first go.

As always, it was hard to leave the forest and I can't wait to go back! Itai and Cody are still up there, so stay tuned for Part II.