Itai Axelrad's bio pic

Itai Axelrad


Orangeville, UT

Joe's Valley

I spent what in all likelihood will be my last spring break in Joe's Valley. Dusty, chossy, beautiful Joe's Valley! A far cry from the sunny beaches of Cabo San Lucas. Anyway, here are some photos from the trip.

The snowy approach to Dairy Queen Canyon.
The snowy approach to Dairy Queen Canyon.
Myself, on the stellar Superman, V10
Myself, on the stellar Superman, V10
Nate dog on the same Superman.
Nate dog on the same Superman.
"Enjoying" a camp meal after a hard day's work out in the boulders.
"Enjoying" a camp meal after a hard day's work out in the boulders.
Kayla, navigating a tricky river crossing.
Kayla, navigating a tricky river crossing.
Kayla on Vertical Ice (V6)
Kayla on Vertical Ice (V6)
Sara topping out the Scary Monsters boulder
Sara topping out the Scary Monsters boulder
Yet another climb on the Scary Monsters boulder
Yet another climb on the Scary Monsters boulder

On the last day, I grabbed a quick send of Pagan Poetry (V11), Beyond Life Sit (V12), and Blackout (V13) for a send off triple double. Check out the video from the trip for more - Joe's Valley Bouldering.

Till next time!

- Itai