Itai Axelrad's bio pic

Itai Axelrad


Joshua Tree, CA

Joshua Tree Winter

Cody and I drove out to Joshua Tree late Friday night to meet up with Joe and Sara. We had a wonderful weekend catching up with friends and mixing it up between bouldering and trad climbing.

The crew collectively had a very successful weekend out in the windy desert, I even managed to put down my nemesis rig, Scatterbrain & Co. (V12).

Joe on the heady Satellite Left
Joe on the heady Satellite Left
Joe leading O'Kelly's Crack
Joe leading O'Kelly's Crack
Cody sending Nicole Overhang
Cody sending Nicole Overhang
Taking in some sun
Taking in some sun
A direct entrance to the new addition, Iron Curtain
A direct entrance to the new addition, Iron Curtain