Itai Axelrad's bio pic

Itai Axelrad


Sheep Nose, CO

Sheep Nose

I had grown to love this little crag. The granite and sunshine of the south face reminded me of California. The fire devastated hillside is home to an impressive jumble of large boulders, though typical to the South Platte, many are blank or crumbly. Isaac had spoken highly of this place since before we moved to Colorado and finally convinced us to make the two hour drive.

Sheep Nose at sunset
Sheep Nose at sunset

After some exploring and repeating of the old school classics, we were able to build some trails, clean some faces, and put up a few new additions.

Hank, on the The Board Within, V8/9
Hank, on the The Board Within, V8/9

Isaac had spotted a gently overhanging face to clean in the middle of the hill. After many days of cleaning effort, we were all eager to try it.

Isaac at work
Isaac at work
Hail to the Thief, V10/11
Hail to the Thief, V10/11

A couple harder climbs had been established that I really wanted to try. At the top of the list was Three Kingdoms. A magnificent rail, leading to a heady mantle a ways off the deck.

Three Kingdoms V12, third try :)
Three Kingdoms V12, third try :)

For me, the gem of the area was a left trending crimp line in a little granite room. It was love at first sight. I spent the weekdays training and "working" with the climb in mind. We drove down Friday nights, exhausted from work. Once we arrived I boiled water and placed it in a thermos. I had about an hour or two worth of headlamp lit snow shoveling and ice melting to have a chance at climbing it Saturday or Sunday morning. When it was dry, the crew was patient as I threw myself at it the entire day.

Wolf at the Door, V13
Wolf at the Door, V13

In the end, new beta was found for the bottom crux involving a knee scum and compression - not exactly the first techniques I reach for. Regardless of the grade, this is my hardest to date, both physically and mentally. I am proud of this one, but glad the chapter has come to an end.

On to the next.