Itai Axelrad's bio pic

Itai Axelrad


Salt Lake City, UT

Old Dog New Tricks

Following Nicole around the front range competition scene has been a great way to mix things up, especially in the trying winter months. As a 30+ year old attempting to go head to head with literal olympians I have been thoroughly humbled this year to say the least.

Checking in for Heart and Soul
Checking in for Heart and Soul
Scoping the climbs at Heart and Soul
Scoping the climbs at Heart and Soul

It's pretty wild to look back at all the changes this sport has undergone. A long long time ago when we were competing, fiberglass, volumes, or any other macros did not exist. Competitions rarely had dynos, and paddles or toe catches were not yet invented. At times, I felt very out of place as an old dog. But I must say, it has been rather nice to learn some new tricks. I even found myself (beside Nicole) in a final.

Finals of the Spot Golden comp, Hype Fest
Finals of the Spot Golden comp, Hype Fest

While I really do feel too old to actually throw my hat in the ring, I can still enjoy a good dyno (or an after party).

An after party in SLC
An after party in SLC

Next up, Joe's Valley and Indian Creek for some old school rock climbing!