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Eden Axelrad


Lofoten, Norway

Vacation Climbing in Norway

Jovanna and I took a 3 week vacation to celebrate finishing graduate school and the California bar exam. Our last stop of the trip was in Norway, where we explored Lofoten - an archipelago in the arctic circle. Originally, this was planned as a hiking trip, as we had no idea there was any climbing in the area. However, I eventually realized that there was in fact a lot of (incredible) climbing on the islands! Here are a few pictures of the beautiful climbs we got to sample...

One of the best locations for a boulder... America (6B)
One of the best locations for a boulder... America (6B)
Topping it out
Topping it out

On our second to last day we explored one of the main bouldering areas in Lofoten where I sent a couple of great roof climbs called Night Rider (7C+) and Sunshine (8A+). Both climbs shared a finishing sequence but had different starts.

After that, I tried one of Lofoten's test pieces called Monster (8A). The rock quality, movement, and setting quickly made me realize why this was such a classic! Unfortunately it began to rain before I could send it, but I knew I'd have to stop by one last time on our way out. Thankfully I was able to grab a goodbye send before heading home!

Here's a link to a video containing America and Monster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5opXYJ6H1po

The end sequence for both Night Rider (7C+) and Sunshine (8A+)
The end sequence for both Night Rider (7C+) and Sunshine (8A+)
Jovanna on Rettsia (6A)
Jovanna on Rettsia (6A)
Monster (8A), the area test piece!
Monster (8A), the area test piece!

Below are a few more non-climbing photos from our trip because it would be hard not to include them!

See you out there!

- Eden