As a 9 to 5er or weekend warrior, your climbing to do list can pile up quickly. You often only get one day outside every week. If your skin sucks or if the weather sucks or if you suck there goes your chance at the project.

Living in a place where rock climbing is easily accessible can help mitigate the problem, though the motivation and energy to keep up any regular routine is hard to come by. Thankfully, I have found that energy (or a late cup of coffee) a few times this summer. Quick trips to either Guanella Pass or Lincoln Lake during the week help tide you over at the cost of being wrecked at work the next day. I managed to take down some classics including Dark Horse (V10), Crimping Matters (V10), and Mind Matters (V12) at Guanella and Phobos (V11), The Exfoliator (V12), and Evil Backwards (V13) at Lincoln.

With winter creeping in, the road to Lincoln Lake is closing, which signals it’s time to shift gears away from the high alpine climbing.

Till next time!
- Itai